Sunday, May 1, 2016

Embrace the Unexpected

Wow, hi.

So it's been a hot second since i've written on here. Obviously life and Disney and moving to Florida and being 120% unsure of what i'm even doing with my life has gotten in the way! Yay!

If you're wondering how life down here is going... well... it's going. Was it everything that I expected that it would be? In all honesty, no, it's not. And honesty is what we thrive on here on my little corner of the internet, right? Right! So it hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows. It's been crying in stockrooms and calling my mom begging for $700 for an immediate flight home. It's been late nights and early mornings at work. It's been wondering why in the world I decided on a whim to pack up my life and move 9 hours away from all of my friends and family. On the other hand, it's been late nights at Magic Kingdom and enough Dole Whips to make anyone sick of pineapple for the next 15 years. It's been finding friends that I am positive will be forever friends. It's been hula dancing at work and middle of the night trips to Steak 'n Shake. And most of all, it's been a lot of soul searching. And that soul searching has done me some good, I think.

Before I moved, I had nothing to write. I had no thoughts worth putting onto paper (or computer screen). I was completely and utterly blank. I was at a gray area in my life, between different versions of me. It was a weird transitionary period in my life that I thank God every day for getting me out of quickly. I can happily say that I am at a new stable point in my life and that I think I am more myself than I have been in a very long time. And what has brought me to this point? All of the crazy, unexpected events that have happened in 2016 have a lot to do with it, I believe.

Disney was nothing like I expected. I expected spending all of my time in the parks and loving everyone that I met here and wanting to spend the rest of my life in the college program. I had even looked into loving it so much that I transfer to school down here and just stay. Obviously, that wasn't the case. It's not that I don't love it, this just isn't the life for me. And that was unexpected. You know the saying "Roll with the punches."? Yeah the unexpectedness of this hitting me was like rolling with being hit by a freight train. I was confused that I didn't love it. I was worried that I was somehow living life down here wrong. I was mostly sad that the one place that had my heart didn't bring me the happiness that I had been searching for. Thankfully, I'm not the only person who felt this way. Many people have realized that this just isn't the life for them. And that's okay. I've realized that I belong in the South. I miss my little Southern town where life was slow. I miss days on the lake and all of my friends. Mostly, I miss having sweet tea wherever I go. I miss my friends more than I am even able to convey in words without breaking down into tears. So to say I'm ready to be home for the summer and then in Jacksonville in the fall is an understatement.

Through this life being hard, I've figured a lot out about myself. Working keeps me occupied and I actually like it. It gives me purpose. And hard work is the most rewarding thing. People aren't always going to be what you expect them to. Love them anyway. You don't have to like them, but we are called to love everyone, regardless of what they do. Keep your positivity, no matter how much you want to curl up into a ball and cry. I could be having the worst day in the world, but they second that my feet hit the Polynesian property, I pull out all of the positivity that I have, even if i'm pulling from reserves. That positivity will brighten someone else's day and putting a smile on a stranger's face is the single most fulfilling thing that I have ever done. Every single one of those realizations came from having an unexpected life down here. And every single one of those realizations have helped me become the improved person that I am today.

So basically, what i'm saying is, embrace what happens to you. If someone from your past pops back up into your life, embrace it. You never know where it could lead. If you get bad news, embrace it. All of the hard times are just helping pave the yellow brick road to your perfect future. If your life isn't exactly what you thought it would be, embrace the heck out of it, because I promise all of the imperfections will help you become the person that you were destined to be.

So with that said, peace out homies. If you made it this far, thanks for listening to my ramblings. I'm sure i'll be back here soon. Peace and blessings, my friends.